Base Utility/Building Skins/Base Grades

This guide covers three different plugins that are all linked together.

Base Utility

This plugin plugin provides two features. First is a Base Upgrade function. By opening the TC, you will see an Upgrade button. Click on it and choose what you want to upgrade your entire base to. The resources are taken directly from your TC. If you click on the Skin button, you can choose a default skin that will be applied when you upgrade your base.

Building Skins

This plugin integrates with the Base Utility plugin as shown above. It also allows a player to upgrade any base parts to any of the DLC building skins by using the hammer. Just equip the hammer, right click while looking at the base part to upgrade and use the Q and E keys to select the building skin you want to use.

Base Grades

Base Grades lets you automatically place building parts at a certain level, for example, while placing foundations, you can have it automatically place stone foundations.

To do this, you issue the command /bgrade 1/2/3/4. Each number represents a level:

  1. Wood
  2. Stone
  3. Metal
  4. Armor

ie: /bgrade 3 would allow you to build Metal parts.

You must have enough wood plus the materials to upgrade to in order to upgrade automatically while building. So, to build stone foundations, you would need both wood and stone in your inventory.