The event begins with a message in chat that the evacuation of the general from the island will begin soon. At the end of the configured timer, a military checkpoint randomly appears on the map and it is said in the chat that the general’s guard was killed, and the general himself was seriously wounded
The player and his friends (if you have any) need to arrive at the military checkpoint and call for help for the general with the laptop located at the checkpoint control center
After the player calls for help, waves of zombies will attack the base. During the preparation phase, players can upgrade the base with turrets, purchase ammunition for them, or place it from their inventory through the checkpoint control center. In the doorways, players can install barricades of different types (5 types of barricades, which differ in the amount of Hit Points) to contain the incoming waves of zombies. The player can also use a hammer to repair the barricades. During the attack phase, waves of zombies will be directed at you. You cannot allow zombies to kill the general, otherwise, the event will end. There are several zombie types (in future updates it is planned to add to the list of zombie types). Each type of zombie has its own tasks. After the end of each wave, a room with crates opens, where there will be a reward for you
At the end of the event, a helicopter arrives for the general and picks him up, and you are notified in chat that the event has been successfully completed. When the general dies, the event ends, as will the attack wave, the event, and all hope is lost!