Item Perks

Item Perks is a plugin that enhances everyday weapons, tools and armor with over 50 different types of perks.

Items with perks can be obtained a variety of ways, including:

  • Finding them randomly in crates or barrels during your morning scrap farm.
  • Randomly crafting an enhanced version of your equipment while you roof camp noobs from your base.
  • Recycling enhanced equipment and finding enhancement kits stuck in the teeth of the recycler.

How to use an enhancement kit:

Once you find an enhancement kit, you can go to a workbench and click on the button to enhance an item.

Next, choose which enhancement kit you want to use.

After that, you’ll select which item you want to enhance. Items can receive several enhancements if you have multiple enhancement kits.

The next page will give you a rundown of what the enhancement will provide. You can decide if you want to confirm or reset your choice.

Once you press the Confirm button, your item is enhanced. Wear or equp the item to see the bonuses provided by clicking on the icon to the left of the hotbar..