The event begins with a chat warning: soon CH47 will get new crates with items for scientists to the Power Plant location. When the time is up, the NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Power Plant zone. Then a water barrel will appear on the top of the central building. A CH47 will fly to this location to get new crates with items. When the CH47 arrives in the Event zone, it will fail to control and crash in a cooling tower of the power plant. All the crates from the CH47 will be on the top of the cooling tower. But they will be in the fire. You need put out the fire to get access to the crates.
It is necessary to activate a fire system to put out the fire. A fire system is on the top of the central building. A Workcart will arrive to the Event area to bring a barrel of water. You need move this water from the Workcart to the empty barrel on the top of the central building. As soon as you do this, you will be able to start the fire system by pressing a button.

When the fire system has activated, the fire in the cooling tower will be out. You will be able to access the crates in the cooling tower. There is a camera in the location for viewing the event. When an event appears, a marker will display on the map. All players in the event area have a timer with countdown to the end of the event