The Rusty Old Gamers community was launched in January 2021 by BetterDeadThanZed, founder of the Killin ZedZ community, which ran ArmA 2 DayZ mod, ArmA 3 Epoch and Arma 3 Exile servers for many years. Initially branded as the Rusty Old Men community, it quickly became apparent that we had many female players, so we rebranded to Rusty Old Gamers. Our community vibe is a place for older gamers who are sick of toxic atmospheres prevalent in pure PVP games and servers.

Rust PVE Zombie Rust Servers
The Rust Old Gamers PVE Biweekly server started off as a small server with only a few plugins to a highly customized server running around 200 plugins. It’s a wonderful PVE Experience, a beacon in a sea of PVP Rust server. We have complete guides to our plugins on Discord as well as all of the current information about our server. Please be sure to join!