Junkyard Event

The event begins with a notification in the chat that soon scavengers will arrive at Junkyard. Next, NPCs appear in the location. A message appears that the scavengers hid a signal grenade in one of the broken cars at the landfill to call for supplies. The player needs to kill all the NPCs and find the rusted car in which the grenade is hidden.

In order to find and activate the signal grenade, use a crane to load rusted cars into a shredder for recycling, it’s bound to be in one of them! The player needs to recycle the rusted cars one by one until he finds the one in which the signal grenade is located in!

After the player recycles the broken car, a plane will fly to the Junkyard location, on board of which there will be a truck with supplies. The plane will drop this truck and it will land in Junkyard via parachute. Once it lands, guards will come out of the truck and guard it. But the truck is closed, it cannot be opened. The player needs to kill these guards to get access to the truck. In order for the player to get access to the crates and the loot within, they need to recycle the truck by using the crane and placing it into the shredder! Next, the crates will travel along the conveyor belt of the shredder and the player will be able to open them.

Mid-June 2023 Server Update

Tomorrow, Thursday, June 15th, we have our middle of the month wipe. Blueprints will not wipe, but skill tree XP will wipe. We’ll have a new map, another customized proc gen map. You may have already seen some of the screenshots from the Map Update Preview channel in Discord. For those that have been around for a while, you will be happy to know that our favorite off-his-rocker prepper, Crazy Bob will return with his bunker. His bunker won’t be marked, but if you find him, kill him and you can access his bunker of loot!

At the harbors, you’ll find some new barges floating. These give more loot opportunities while changing things up a little. The Launch site has some nefarious experiments going on inside and it seems that the Cobalt company is bringing some odd equipment into the airfield as well. As you drive around the map, you may encounter new roadside monuments as well.

There’s a cargo ship stuck in the ice. Scientists are keeping it safe until the spring thaw. The bridge is protected by a blue card puzzle. There’s lots of loot to be gotten so go check it out! There’s a motel in the desert with a green card door on the motel office. That must be where they keep the good stuff. In the winter biome, you’ll find a Christmas house. Nothing too special there, just some loot and holiday cheer.

Our events will be determined while I’m updating the server. The wipe will take place at 4pm EST, two hours later than normal due to an appointment I have. Once I’m home and ready to work, I’ll stop the server and do the update. Once it’s ready, it’ll be online for all to play, even if it’s before 4pm. As of this writing, I have no plans to introduce anything new and revolutionary to the server.

An important note: This month has FIVE Thursdays. That means that we’ll be having a 1 week wipe from June 29th to July 6th. No BP’s or Skill XP will be wiped for that one week. I will choose a custom map to be run during that time. I will be traveling in July during our mid-month wipe, so that wipe may be delayed or even done a day late but that’ll be addressed when it gets closer.

That’s it for this update! See on the server!

Luftwaffe Zeppelin

– Luftwaffe Zeppelin

  • Zeppelin set in the Luftwaffe of Germany in World War II.

– Includes:

  • Luftwaffe logo and flag.
  • Parkour, puzzles, NPC, Loots.

The Luftwaffe Zeppelin was a remarkable aircraft developed by the German air force during World War II. It was the first rigid airship ever to be constructed, and it was known for its impressive size and striking visual appeal. The Zeppelin was built using a lightweight aluminium frame, which was covered with strong and durable fabric. Inside the airship, gas cells filled with hydrogen were used to provide lift.

In this rust version, you will find an enterable Zeppelin with lots of rooms to explore and loot to collect.

Gas Station Event

The event begins with a message in chat that there has been a dispute between two waring gangs. One gang has taken members from their rivals hostage. A car chase ensues chase where the rival gang is coming to save or avenge their own!

The chase comes to an explosive end at Oxum’s Gas Station when the car being pursued crashes into the gas pumps! This is the beginning of the event for your players. Both gangs jump out of their vehicles and a shootout immediately ensues! When a player decides to approach, they will have a few choices.

Will they take up arms with the ruthless gang willing to do anything? Will they stand beside the more honorable outlaws? Or will they simply kill both gangs and take all of the loot? The choice, is theirs!

If the player decides to kill the first gang, the second gang will give the player access to their loot room, a bunker inside the basement of the auto repair shop, as a sign of gratitude.

If the player decides to kill the second gang, then the first gang will give access to their hidden stash in the restroom inside the station, to show their appreciation.

If the player decides to just wipe both gangs out, well then they deserve all of the loot! And regardless of what team the player decides to destroy, the chasing vehicle is always left unattended at the end of the event. The player can grab this as a thank you for cleaning up the servers streets! It’s a junker but you can take it for parts, drive to Junkyard to scrap it, or just use it to get home quick and take the parts you want from it.

June wipe news!

This month will bring some plugin updates. First off, we’ll be removing the Monument Lock plugin, which currently protects the oil rigs when players are on it and it’ll be replaced with Monument Owner. This plugin is much better and feature rich. Initially, it will protect only the oil rigs and cargo. With this plugin, non-owners of the monument will not be able to enter the bubble that will surround the monument. To become the monument owner, you must meet criteria that will be stated on your screen when entering the dome around the monument. This may be a certain amount of time inside the monument, unlocking a crate, etc. The map will show a green circle if the monument is unlocked, red if locked. A monument will unlock 120 seconds after the owner leaves and a player can only have 1 monument unlocked at once. Once you’ve locked a monument, you can not lock it again for 10 minutes. Eventually this will be expanded to include all of the major monuments. Right now there are conflicts with events spawning at monuments and the locking ability, so that’s why I’ve restricted it to those locations for now.

With this new plugin, the Personal Cargo Ship plugin will be removed. This is the plugin that allows you to type a command and get a cargo ship. The reason for that plugin was originally to prevent players from taking cargo when someone else is doing it. The Monument Owner plugin solves this issue. As Personal Cargo Ship is developed, I will reevaluate if it’s appropriate to add it again. That plugin has instanced cargo ships as a goal, so if that happens, it will likely be added back. With this change, I’m also reenabling regularly spawning cargo ships.

This wipe is a BP wipe so you still have 2 weeks until the skills are wiped. Now is the time to use your leftover scrap to respec your skills if needed. We’ll have a customized proc-gen map this wipe. I’ve added some nice custom monuments to the map and there’s custom buildable locations. The difference this time is that they are not marked on the map. You’ll need to discover them yourselves.

The plugins for this wipe will be non-monument specific and will include Convoy, Armored Train, Sputnik and one or two others. I am also planning on adding a brand new event that was just released yesterday that revolves around one of the gas stations. The exact events will be announced on wipe day.

Please remember that the server will be taken offline at 1pm EST on Thursday. You may see it online prior to the Rust update, but it will be protected by a whitelist. If you see a wipe notice prior to the Rust update, you can ignore it. I will announce when the server has been wiped and is ready to be played.

That’s all for this wipe. I hope everyone enjoys the map and the plugins. I’ll see you after the wipe!


The Marketplace plugin allows you to find items for sale in vending machines through a nice user interface. Follow these steps:

Type in what you are looking for in the search box or click on the item if it’s already displayed.

You’ll see a list of where the item is being sold (unless no one is selling it).

Click on View and then Set Marker.

Close the UI and open your map, and you’ll see the Shop marked! (edited)

Mid May 2023 Server Update

Here we are again, another mid-month update! On Thursday, May 18th, the server will wipe. Since it’s the third Thursday, Skill Tree will wipe and BP will remain. As always, your coins and spawnable vehicles will not be wiped.

I conducted a poll on Discord this month to vote on the next map and Oregon: Land of the Dead won the vote. This is a really nice custom map with many custom monuments and many of the standard Facepunch monuments. Be warned that many of the custom monuments have custom NPC’s with firearms as well as Scarecrow and zombies NPC’s. If you’d like to read more about the map, go to the Oregon: Land of the Dead page. Due to the number of custom NPC’s on the map, BotReSpawn will be removed for this wipe. Other than that, no changes are planned.

The server will go offline around 1pm EST on Thursday so I can prep the server. If the server is online prior to 2pm EST, it will be whitelisted and you will not be able to join. I will announce in Discord when it is ready.

Arctic Base Event

An event for the Arctic Research Base monument with a plot to rescue both a scientist and a pilot that have been captured by the security group who has been ordered to capture and deal with the attempted sabotage on the Arctic Base.

Welcome to a frosty new adventure in the more recently added Arctic Research Base to so many of our islands! This monument will now have an event with a storyline requiring you and your friends to rescue the Pilot, and the Scientist from their captivity by the Arctic Base security service. You don’t want to know what will happen to these two if you don’t save them!

Our new event begins with a notification (if enabled by default) for players to know that a sabotage is about to take place on the island. There is a plot to come collect biological samples from the burned corpse of one of the recently discovered NPCs, class: Sledge.

The players will soon find out that the sabotage has failed and that two of our team have been taken captive by the Artic Research security team! Players will need to free them both from this no prisoners no hostages situation, and protect the scientist while he finishes his portion of the mission.

Once the Scientist or Pilot are released, snowmobiles will arrive bringing NPCs, tasked simply with killing the Scientist so he will not be able to carry out his task of reverse engineering a way to continue to combat everything they throw at us!

Once the Scientist has completed his task, and the Pilot has been released and has prepped the escape helicopter, their evacuation can take place. The will get into their minicopter and begin their departure. Before you leave and as thanks, the Pilot is going to open up a warehouse full of supplies for you!

Once you reach this point in the event, there are several options with different amounts of loot within the stash. If you are able to protect the Scientist, and they are able to evacuate with the pilot, then we can better find things of value on comms with the team as they leave and the looting will be most efficient!

Be ready, this minicopter is an actual piece of… well it’s Rusty! Let the pilot have some extra time if needed to make sure it is running smoothly before they take off. Here and now the security team will send everything they have at you and your friends. Protect the group from the attacks!

May 2023 Rust Update

Happy May! For those of you in the northern hemisphere, that means that SPRING IS HERE! For those of you in the south, well.. It’s autumn so yeah… in any case, Facepunch is preparing to release their monthly Rust update on May 4th. This month seems to have a lot of changes that will very likely affect a great number of plugins on our server. I will do my best to be on the server after the wipe to address issues and update plugins as they come out. Please be prepared for issues on wipe day.

This month, Facepunch is adding the nuclear missile silo monument. It’s a major monument with scientists and loot including keycard puzzles. It’s very possible that this event will be linked with an end-of-wipe event such as a large nuclear explosion killing everyone and destroying everything. If this is what we’re getting, you can expect this event to run at 1pm EST on all wipe days except for third wipe on months with 5 Thursdays.

The map this month will be an unmodified procedurally generated map. I won’t be doing any edits because of the possibility of the missile silo being updated, which would require me to put any customizations on the map again. The good thing about this is better performance (in theory) than maps that are customized.

I have no plans to make any significant changes to configurations or plugins for this wipe. I’ll continue to rotate the events as needed. I don’t have anything else to add so I’ll see everyone on the server at 2pm EST on Thursday!

Power Plant Event

The event begins with a chat warning: soon CH47 will get new crates with items for scientists to the Power Plant location. When the time is up, the NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Power Plant zone. Then a water barrel will appear on the top of the central building. A CH47 will fly to this location to get new crates with items. When the CH47 arrives in the Event zone, it will fail to control and crash in a cooling tower of the power plant. All the crates from the CH47 will be on the top of the cooling tower. But they will be in the fire. You need put out the fire to get access to the crates.

It is necessary to activate a fire system to put out the fire. A fire system is on the top of the central building. A Workcart will arrive to the Event area to bring a barrel of water. You need move this water from the Workcart to the empty barrel on the top of the central building. As soon as you do this, you will be able to start the fire system by pressing a button.

When the fire system has activated, the fire in the cooling tower will be out. You will be able to access the crates in the cooling tower. There is a camera in the location for viewing the event. When an event appears, a marker will display on the map. All players in the event area have a timer with countdown to the end of the event