NPC Raiders

The NPC Raiders plugins allows players to have their base raided by NPC’s. The NPC’s will get progressively harder with every wave. If they destroy your TC, they are finished.

NPC Raiders commands:

/raidme – Will show raid help menu.
/raidme buy – Will show raid buy help menu and costs.
/raidme buy <type> – To start raid of the type.

Additional information including videos can be found on the plugin page:

September 7th Rust update!

The Rust update is upon us! On Thursday, September 7th, at 2pm EST, Facepunch will release another Rust update. This update has lots of cool new features, which you can read about elsewhere because this post is about the ROG server!

First and foremost, shit’s gonna break! There have been changes to Rust that require plugin devs update their plugins. I will do my best to track the plugins that need updating. Some features simply may not be available on wipe day because of this. Please check Discord periodically for updates!

The server will be taken offline around 1pm on Thursday so that I can prepare the server. I already have several plugins that have available updates that need to be applied. Once the server update and Oxide update is released, the server will be put back online. If you see it online prior to any announcement, it will be secured with a whitelist and you will be unable to spawn in.

This wipe’s map is an edited procedurally generated map. It contains some custom things like the Cobalt HQ, a police station and a combined Outpost and Bandit Camp! There’s no Bandit Camp on the map because of this combination but all vendors are available. There’s also a water based safezone with fishing stuff and some vending machines for other items. 

I’ve reworked the zombies as well. At the gas stations and supermarkets, you’ll find the lower end zombies with melee weapons only. These zombies also have less health than the other zombies. Some may be carrying smoke and/or flash grenades. At the other monuments, you’ll find the more challenging zombies. Some even carry pipe shotguns or bows and arrows. At Satellite and Power Plant, there are NPC’s with pistols. The Satellite NPC’s are wearing space suits and the Power Plant NPC’s are wearing hazmat suits.

So that’s it from this side of things! Have a fun wipe!

Base Utility/Building Skins/Base Grades

This guide covers three different plugins that are all linked together.

Base Utility

This plugin plugin provides two features. First is a Base Upgrade function. By opening the TC, you will see an Upgrade button. Click on it and choose what you want to upgrade your entire base to. The resources are taken directly from your TC. If you click on the Skin button, you can choose a default skin that will be applied when you upgrade your base.

Building Skins

This plugin integrates with the Base Utility plugin as shown above. It also allows a player to upgrade any base parts to any of the DLC building skins by using the hammer. Just equip the hammer, right click while looking at the base part to upgrade and use the Q and E keys to select the building skin you want to use.

Base Grades

Base Grades lets you automatically place building parts at a certain level, for example, while placing foundations, you can have it automatically place stone foundations.

To do this, you issue the command /bgrade 1/2/3/4. Each number represents a level:

  1. Wood
  2. Stone
  3. Metal
  4. Armor

ie: /bgrade 3 would allow you to build Metal parts.

You must have enough wood plus the materials to upgrade to in order to upgrade automatically while building. So, to build stone foundations, you would need both wood and stone in your inventory.

Bog Water Fortress

The Bog Water Fortress is an old fort protected by NPC’s. Loot is behind doors requiring a red key card.

Go to the second floor and find the on/off switch. Turn it on and then swipe the red card in the box next to it. The doors downstairs will open!

Item Perks

Item Perks is a plugin that enhances everyday weapons, tools and armor with over 50 different types of perks.

Items with perks can be obtained a variety of ways, including:

  • Finding them randomly in crates or barrels during your morning scrap farm.
  • Randomly crafting an enhanced version of your equipment while you roof camp noobs from your base.
  • Recycling enhanced equipment and finding enhancement kits stuck in the teeth of the recycler.

How to use an enhancement kit:

Once you find an enhancement kit, you can go to a workbench and click on the button to enhance an item.

Next, choose which enhancement kit you want to use.

After that, you’ll select which item you want to enhance. Items can receive several enhancements if you have multiple enhancement kits.

The next page will give you a rundown of what the enhancement will provide. You can decide if you want to confirm or reset your choice.

Once you press the Confirm button, your item is enhanced. Wear or equp the item to see the bonuses provided by clicking on the icon to the left of the hotbar..

Community Update August 2nd, 2023!

Hey everyone! It’s the first Wednesday in August so you know what that means!? Yesterday was Tuesday!! Tomorrow will be the monthly Rust game update. This update will bring about changes, as always. There’s supposedly a new skin for stone buildings. I expect the Building Skins plugin will be updated for that. Talking about plugins updates, there seems to be a lot of changes internally to Rust that may affect plugins, so be ready for a crazy storm of broken plugins upon logging in after wipe. What a time to be alive!

The map for August is a procedurally generated maps with edits. As always, the public heli tower is there. I’ve also got some other cool stuff like the Cobalt Police station, guarded by scientists inside and out. There’s a few new custom monuments added too. Crazy Bob the Prepper is back as well! You can see much of the custom stuff in the Update Preview chanel in Discord.

I’m going to break with the normal format of our biweekly update to talk about our “other” game, DayZ! In case you’ve been living under a rock, or in a tug boat, I’ve had a DayZ server running for a few months. It’s experienced some minor success with a small player base growing. I recently decided I’m going to revamp that server with the Expansion mod and a few others. I expect to have this up and running by Friday or Saturday, pending any issues. If you haven’t played DayZ, consider buying it. It’s a much more hardcore survival experience than Rust and the map that we run, Namalsk, is particularly brutal with cold weather and storms. See the DayZ channels in Discord for more information and updates.

As always, the events to be run for the next 2 weeks will be determined on wipe day. That’s all I have for now! See you online!

Building Skins

Plugin webpage:

The Building Skins plugin allows you to use the DLC Building Skins without owning the DLC’s. To use these skins, do the following:

Use the /bskin command to switch modes. This will open a window like the one to the left.

To update the skin for existing building blocks, you need to activate the skin and hit the block with a hammer. The block will be updated with the selected skin.

To change the skin for all buildings using the /bskin build or /bskin all command, you need to select a skin mode. Depending on the mode you choose, the skin will be updated.

Mid-July 2023 wipe news

Middle of July update! This coming Thursday, July 20th, is our next wipe. This wipe will occur earlier in the day than normal. I expect it to be done no later than 9am EST. Skill Tree XP will wipe and BP’s will remain, so get those BP’s unlocked now! 

A new version of the XDQuest plugin, aka the Quest Room at Outpost, will be installed. There’s a bunch new features with the plugin which is why I am waiting for the wipe, as the data file needs to be deleted. 

The map will be another procedurally generated map without modifications. The reason for this is because I will be in Florida on wipe day and a proc gen map is less likely to have issues that need to be resolved. I am looking at a custom map for the August wipe.

Any changes to the events will occur on wipe day. I do not currently know which events will be active. I’ll decide that while I’m updating the server.

So, as you can see, no ground breaking changes this wipe. Nice and easy to limit the possibility of problems. I don’t know if I’ll be on for wipe day but it’s unlikely. Enjoy the wipe!

First wipe of July 2023 update!

Happy July 4th to my American friends. Sorry for your loss to my British friends.

On Thursday, July 6th, we will get another Rust update from Facepunch. This one brings changes to the water, a new ferry terminal, a driveable ferry, a new DLC and a bunch of other things. Tldr; Shit’s gonna break on Thursday.

The wipe will occur at 2pm EST, when the patch is released by Facepunch. With the changes coming out with this patch, there’s a chance that plugins will break. I’ll keep an eye on everything and address any issues that pop up. The server will go offline at some point between 12pm and 1pm so I can prep the server.

The map will be a procedurally generated map without any customizations due to the changes to Rust and the new monument. This will reduce the chances of issues that could arise from using a custom map or an edited proc gen map.

The mid-July wipe scheduled for July 20th will most likely occur on July 19, in the late evening EST. I’m leaving for Florida early in the morning on July 19th and will be trying to drive as far as I can before stopping for the night. Since I’ll be on the road at 2pm on the 20th, I’m planning on doing the wipe when I’m at my hotel on the 19th. Should this change, I’ll post at the time. 

That’s all we’ve got. See you all on Thursday!

June 29th update!

Hey everyone, it’s a third server update for June! Since there’s 5 Thursdays this month, we’ll have our 1 week wipe from 6/29 to 7/6. Since it’s the third wipe, there will be no wiping of BP’s or Skill Tree XP. The map will be an unedited procedurally generated map. We’re not running a custom map or customized proc gen due to our change to Carbon.

What is Carbon? I’m glad you asked! Until now, we’ve used Oxide with our server. Oxide is a framework used to run the plugins we have on the server. Carbon is a newer framework that touts better performance as well as some built in features that eliminates the need for some of the plugins we’ve been using. In theory, this should allow me to increase the maximum slots again and to potentially add features to the server that might otherwise cause too much of a load on the server.The tradeoff is that some plugins will not work but these are relatively minor plugins that aren’t essential.

I will be taking the server offline around 12pm EST on Thursday. I need time to ensure that everything is set up properly when I do the switch over. I need to transfer data and configs as the server files will be an actual new installation configured on the same port as the current server.

Monument Owner is back for this wipe. It’s a new version that hopefully resolves some issues we’ve had in the past. I plan to enable the zones on most of the monuments. I’ll keep an eye on the locking of the monuments and how it affects the players. Hopefully we won’t have any issues, but if one arises, please use the /staff command to see me or any of the moderators are online. If not, put in a support ticket on Discord.

If you’ve been watching the server updates, you’ll know this, but I’ll reiterate it. I will only be running events from now on that use the PVE Mode plugin. This plugin is responsible for locking events to the first player/team that meets a certain requirement and locks out players not on that team. This is necessary as we’ve had some incidents recently where people couldn’t play nice at events that didn’t lock. This includes the Airfield Drops, Cobalt Labs and Crashed Plane. I’m sure there’s a few more that I’ve run in the past as well.

That’s it for this update. I hope to see everyone on the server!