A new domain name and a partial rebranding!

It’s a known fact that shorter domain names are preferred. It’s easier for users to remember and just looks better. A shorter community name allows for more information in a game server name, which, if you’ve been playing online games for any length of time, you know it’s an important place to highlight your server’s most desirable server features!

So, with that in mind, I have registered rustyog.net (Short for Rusty Old Gamers – Duh!). The new domain can be used immediately and rustyoldgamers.net will forward to rustyog.net The old domain will remain registered until it’s current period ends. All subdomains, such as link.rustyoldgamers.net or donate. rustyoldgamers.net should seamlessly forward to the new domain. Due to the way domain changes propagate through the internet, it IS possible some of you may have some temporary issues accessing the website. I wouldn’t expect that to last more than 2 days at the most. If you get any messages about out website being unsecure, you can safely ignore that. If you go to any rustyoldgamers.net URLs and it doesn’t display properly, just change it to rustyog.net.

The servers will have their names shortened to identify as “RustyOG” servers soon. Don’t worry. It’s the same old servers with a shorter name!