We run a unique Rust server based on the Frontier: American Old West map. This is a modified version of the map, with new monuments and edits to existing monuments. No other community runs this map 24/7 and none of the edits that I’ve made! You’ll find the classic monuments such as the old Outpost, Governor’s Mansion and the Trainyard. I’ve also sprinkled in a few classic monuments including the Missile Silo, Abandoned Military Base and The Dome! There’s also an all new town called Franktown.

You start off by spawning at one of the many train stations on the map. Don’t want to walk? Wait a few minutes and a train will be by! It will stop for a few moments at the station before continuing! When you die, you spawn at another train station.
Have you looted some fuel? Well, there’s plenty of work carts that spawn at the dead end side tracks! Jump in, drop in some fuel and away you will go! Just watch out for the train that goes around the tracks. The engineer doesn’t like his path to be blocked!

There’s lots of neat locations on the map, such as the ancient ruins pictured to the left. There’s two major NPC hubs: The Prison and the Bandit Checkpoint. At both locations you’ll find well armed NPC’s that not only fight you, but they also fight with the zombies!
Some of the vanilla monuments have been reworked for the old west!



There are great adventures waiting for you on the RustyOG Old West server! The server wipes monthly and it has some differences from our main, biweekly server.
- There is NO BASE DECAY except for twig. The 9 days for abandoned bases still applies.
- Skill tree is replaced with the XPerience plugin
- Instead of Epic Loot, we have Item Perks
- There are no spawnable vehicles. If you want to travel, your choices are by foot, horse, hot air balloon or train!
- There is no VIP on this server. Everyone gets access to certain perks that would be VIP on the main server including the base upgrade and 7 rows in your backpack
- Instead of earning Economics coins, you earn Rewards Points (RP), which can be spent in the same fashion as the coins. They do not wipe when the server wipes.
- The server wipes on the first Thursday of each month. BP’s and XPerience wipes on that day.
To join the server, search for RustyOG or open the F1 console and type connect oldwest.rustyog.net.