Community News

  • DayZ Livonia Mod/Setting Breakdown
    Our Livonia server, which will open to the public when DayZ 1.25 is released has been hand crafted to be an amazing experience for all DayZ players. Let’s see what is different about this server! A customized zombie experience: Using the PVZ Spawn System and Customizable zombies mods, we’ve created zombies that only walk but they are stronger than vanilla zombies. Not only do they pack a punch, but they can take a punch too! Their increased health makes them a double threat. At night, these ungodly creatures become even stronger! During the day you can hide from them inside …
  • DayZ Livonia Server Inbound!
    In the latest news release by Bohemia, they have announced when 1.25 is released, Livonia will be given to everyone that owns DayZ! Since our Namalsk server has not been doing well for a while, and because our revival of that server only extended the server’s life shortly, we have decided to switch to Livonia! When 1.25 is released, the server will be opened! Until then, the Namalsk server will continue to run. Some of the key aspects of the server are listed below. Everything on this list is subject to change: ■ The server will be PVP: There will …
  • December 21st Survival Update
    In January 2021, almost 3 years ago, I put my Rust server online. I designed it after a popular PVE community’s servers because I liked the way they had everything set up, but with the number of slots they ran and the presence of mega Amazon Fulfillment Centers that players built, their servers were always soooo laggy for me. Since I’ve been running game servers for many different games since 2004, I set out to host the best Rust server I could. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about running a Rust server. I’ve played with many configurations and …
  • A new domain name and a partial rebranding!
    It’s a known fact that shorter domain names are preferred. It’s easier for users to remember and just looks better. A shorter community name allows for more information in a game server name, which, if you’ve been playing online games for any length of time, you know it’s an important place to highlight your server’s most desirable server features! So, with that in mind, I have registered (Short for Rusty Old Gamers – Duh!). The new domain can be used immediately and will forward to The old domain will remain registered until it’s current period ends. All …
  • September 7th Rust update!
    The Rust update is upon us! On Thursday, September 7th, at 2pm EST, Facepunch will release another Rust update. This update has lots of cool new features, which you can read about elsewhere because this post is about the ROG server! First and foremost, shit’s gonna break! There have been changes to Rust that require plugin devs update their plugins. I will do my best to track the plugins that need updating. Some features simply may not be available on wipe day because of this. Please check Discord periodically for updates! The server will be taken offline around 1pm on …